A consideration of how we must do it in order to one day be able to use cad assisted by artificial intelligence.(Part4)

The design of dental prosthetics using CAD called Solidworks Solidworks has three license styles: Standard, Professional...

A consideration of how we must do it in order to one day be able to use cad assisted by artificial intelligence.(Part3)

Two measurement and reproduction methods derived from ontology and epistemology The method of measurement and reproducti...

A consideration of how we must do it in order to one day be able to use cad assisted by artificial intelligence.(Part2)

Can you use the terms "double contingency" and "contingency" to describe the oral system and tooth production? Let me de...

A consideration of how we must do it in order to one day be able to use cad assisted by artificial intelligence.

Please note You may feel some discomfort with the way the following sentences are expressed, but that is because they ar...
Unpublished letter

Open Letter 3-7

New Testament Scriptures of interest I (Shimizu) have extracted some verses from the New Testament that caught my attent...
Unpublished letter

Open Letter 3-6

On the Existence of God References # "Why do scientists believe in God?,” Ichiro Mita (Publisher, Kodansha) (Author's bi...
Unpublished letter

Open Letter 3-4

The Mystery of Dissipative Structures Our existence is a miracle. If the world is moving in the direction of increasing ...
Unpublished letter

Open Letter 3-3

The Scientific Revolution by Galileo Galileo Galilei appears on Italian soil. He conducted an experiment in which he rol...
Unpublished letter

Open Letter 3-2

Energy and Agriculture Our brains prefer more energy. It is also sensitive to the fear of hunger. The agricultural chara...
Unpublished letter

Open Letter 3-1

The Emperor, beloved by all his people October 26, 2022 I would like to reiterate. We ask that His Majesty the Emperor p...